Our History

A True American Success Story.

In 1979, out of the basement of their Chicago home, the Svanascini Family began their journey in the tech industry with the release of a highly popular software program called “Zoom Graphix”. The entire family played a role in the business, with the family basement as official company headquarters. In the early 80’s, they launched a hugely successful software program for the Apple II market called “Sherwood Forest.” In addition to creating new software, Americaneagle.com sold and installed computer products before moving into networking entire offices with computer systems.

Then, in the early 90’s, the family-owned and operated business heard about this interesting new concept called the “Internet.” After attending the Internet World Conference in Boston in 1994, Americaneagle.com’s main focus then became the design, development, and hosting of websites.

Today, Americaneagle.com is proud to have grown from a small start-up in the family basement to one of the largest, most experienced and successful web design and development companies in the world.

AE Corporate Office

Offering award-winning web design to clients of all sizes, in many different industries, Americaneagle.com is well positioned for future growth and expansion. With clients worldwide, and offices throughout the country, Americaneagle.com’s capabilities range from design and development to hosting and strategy. 

The company is a true American success story. Americaneagle.com is still owned and operated by the Svanascini Family and they look forward to continuing this incredible journey as they help all kinds of organizations create their own online success stories.  

Samaritan Digital Strategy Testimonial

Samaritan Health Services

"Moving to Sitecore with Americaneagle.com as our implementation partner has opened up a world of endless opportunities for us. It has offered us flexibility in design, content management and experience marketing, allowing us to use our website for market research to increase consumer engagement."

Evonne Walls
Director of Marketing & Public Relations | Samaritan Health Systems

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